If those party invitations are becoming few
and far between, it may have something to do with your breath. Chronic halitosis is a big turnoff, especially if you are on the receiving end. Unfortunately,
sometimes even your closest friends will not utter those four little words, “You
have bad breath.”
Thankfully, there is something you can do about
your halitosis. If you do not use tobacco, and have ruled out chronic
infections, kidney or liver ailments, dry mouth, diabetes, odorous foods, or systemic
diseases, it most probably has something to do with your oral hygiene, and that
is where your Dentist in Rancho Mirage can help.
Poor dental habits are the number one cause
of chronic halitosis. In fact, more than 60 million adults in America suffer
from it.
You really are what you eat, and if you are
not brushing twice, flossing once a day and seeing your Rancho Mirage Dentist
regularly you are inviting gingivitis and its worse relative, periodontal
disease into your teeth and gums.
According to Web MD, the foods that you eat are broken down by the
acids in your mouth and will be absorbed in your lungs and eventually carried
to your support system, your lungs. Garlic, onions, and those spicy ethnic
meals that you love could be the culprit when it comes to your bad breath.