Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tooth Abscesses

An abscess is a limited area of pus formed as a result of a bacterial infection. The body's immune system reacts to the infection, and sends white blood cells to the area to try to get rid of the bacteria. Pus is a mixture of live and dead white blood cells, enzymes and parts of destroyed cells and tissues. When there is no way for pus to drain, it forms an abscess.
Abscesses can form in almost every part of the body. In the mouth, abscesses form in gum tissue or in the roots of teeth and in the surrounding areas of the tooth. They can be caused by trauma (food or debris embedded deep in the gum), by bacteria that enters through a cavity and gets into the dental pulp, or from a deep periodontal pocket. People with a lowered resistance to infection are at increased risk of developing an abscess. At first, the abscess may cause a toothache, which can be severe. The tooth's nerve can become infected and the infection can burrow through to the gum, forming a visible boil that can rupture in the mouth. Once the abscess ruptures, the pain often decreases significantly, but dental treatment is still necessary. If the abscess does not drain, the infection can spread to other areas of the head and neck and can become life threatening.


The main symptom is persistent, throbbing pain. At first, the tooth will be sensitive to heat and pressure while chewing. Later, you may develop a fever. Swollen lymph nodes under the jaw or in the neck can be tender and you may feel pain in the sinus area. If the abscess ruptures, a sudden rush of foul-smelling and foul-tasting fluid will spill into the mouth.


Usually, your dentist can diagnose a tooth abscess by examining your mouth. He or she may push on the swollen area of the gum and do a pulp test on the affected tooth to see if it is still alive. A pulp test can involve:
  • Gentle tapping (percussion) on the tooth
  • Temperature testing
  • Using an electric tester on the tooth
Your dentist also may take an X-ray to look for bone erosion around the tip of the tooth's root.

Expected Duration

Once the abscess is drained, most symptoms go away immediately or within a few days, but the abscess will not be cured unless the cause is eliminated.


Good oral hygiene can help prevent abscesses by keeping teeth and gums free of food and debris. Regular dental checkups are also important. If you have a weakened immune system because of medication or another condition, let your dentist know before every appointment. You may receive antibiotics before the appointment to reduce the risk of infection.


Saving an abscessed tooth begins with draining the infection, which usually relieves pain and removes much of the infection. Root canal treatment may be necessary and should be started as soon as possible to remove diseased tissue.
If the abscess involves gum tissue, your dentist may suggest that you rinse with warm salt water (1/8 of a teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water) a few times a day for several days. You may be prescribed antibiotics to help make sure the infection has been eliminated. Have dental X-rays performed six months later to confirm if healthy bone and tissue are filling the area of the abscess. If the bone does not fill in after the treatment, you may need to visit a periodontist who can surgically reshape the gum so that it is easier to keep clean, or an endodontist who can surgically remove a persistent abscess.

When To Call A Professional

If you have a toothache or notice evidence of an abscess on your gum, visit your dentist. Even if the abscess drains and the pain decreases, a visit to the dentist for complete treatment is crucial.


The outlook is excellent if detected promptly and treated appropriately.
Article Source: Colgate

If you live in or near the Rancho Mirage, CA area and are currently looking for a new dentist, then please contact Country Club Dentistry. We provide exquisite dental services in a caring environment.

Country Club Dentistry
72775 Frank Sinatra Drive
Suite B
Rancho Mirage, CA 92770
Tel: 760-341-2599

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Comprehensive Guide To Dental FIllings

Fillings, which are materials used to fill cavities in the teeth, and crowns, which slip over and cover the tops of damaged teeth, sometimes loosen and fall out. This is rarely an emergency, but it can be painful because the exposed tooth tissue is often sensitive to pressure, air or hot and cold temperatures. In some cases, a filling or crown may come loose because decay has developed underneath it. The decay can cause the tooth to change shape and as a result, the crown of filling no longer fits the tooth properly.

What You Can Do

You may be eating, or biting on something hard when you discover that a filling or a crown has become lose or fallen out. You may feel the lost filling or crown in your mouth.
If it's a crown, put it in a safe place and make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as you can. You don't want to wait too long because the tooth will be weak and could be damaged more if it is not protected by the crown. Also, when a crown is missing for a long time, your teeth may move. If this happens your crown may no longer fit.
If the tooth is sensitive and you can't get to your dentist right away, here's what you can do:
  • If you can reach the sensitive area, apply a little clove oil with a cotton swab. It works well to dull tooth pain. You can buy clove oil in pharmacies and also in the spice aisle of many supermarkets.
  • If you have the crown, you may be able to slip it back over the tooth. Before you do that, it's important to clean the inside of the crown as best you can. To hold it in place temporarily, coat the inner surface of the crown with tooth "cement," which you can buy in the dental section of your pharmacy. There are several temporary cements available. Some need to be mixed; others come ready to use. You also can use denture adhesive or even petroleum jelly if nothing else is available. These aren't permanent solutions, but they will help to hold the crown in place until you can see your dentist. You should not use any household glues to hold the crown in place. These products are not safe to put in your mouth and can damage the tooth and crown.
  • If you've lost the filling or crown, you can use over-the-counter dental cement to cover the tooth surface. This will help to protect and seal the area until you're able to see your dentist, and can make you more comfortable.

What Your Dentist Will Do

If the tooth is structurally sound and the crown still fits properly, your dentist will clean the area and then replace the crown.
If the tooth has been affected by decay, your dentist will need to prepare the tooth again by removing the decay and then making a new filling or crown to replace the old one.
Article Source: Colgate

If you live in or near the Rancho Mirage, CA area and are currently looking for a new dentist, then please contact Country Club Dentistry. We provide exquisite dental services in a caring environment.

Country Club Dentistry
72775 Frank Sinatra Drive
Suite B
Rancho Mirage, CA 92770
Tel: 760-341-2599

Dental Crowns - Video From The ADA

Are you about to undergo a dental crown procedure? If you need more information on what getting a crown means, please watch the following video, provided by the American Dental Association. 

Source: The ADA via YouTube

If you live in or near the Rancho Mirage, CA area and are currently looking for a new dentist, then please contact Country Club Dentistry. We provide exquisite dental services in a caring environment.

Country Club Dentistry
72775 Frank Sinatra Drive
Suite B
Rancho Mirage, CA 92770
Tel: 760-341-2599

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bruxism: Are You Experiencing It?

The term bruxism refers to tooth grinding and tooth clenching that many children and adults experience throughout their lifetime. Bruxism occurs when the teeth contact each other in a forceful fashion, this can be silent or cause a loud sound especially when sleeping.
Why Does it Occur?
Many medical and dental professionals may not always know the exact cause, but bruxism can occur due to psychological stress that people may be dealing with during the week. Stress can be categorized in two ways — by internal and external factors.
Internal factors could be the foods you consume, your level of fitness, your emotional stability, overall health and well-being, and the amount of sleep you get each evening. External factors of psychological stress include the environment you are in each day, interaction with others, when you are at home and how you deal with challenges on a daily basis.
Bruxism's Impact on the Mouth
There are several elements that can occur in the mouth when people are experiencing bruxism:
  • Wearing away the tooth enamel and possibly the dentin
  • Cracking or chipping teeth, bridgework or implants
  • Tooth sensitivity can occur
  • Teeth can become painful or loose
  • Facial pain due to clenching of jaw muscles
  • Headaches
  • Overall facial fatigue
  • Pain in the temporomandibular joint (jaw bone on either side of the mouth)
Treating the Problem
Most individuals suffering from bruxism should see their dental professional/specialist to determine why they are experiencing this problem. Your dental professional may recommend that you wear a mouth guard or a night guard to cushion the clenching or tooth grinding during sleeping. Additionally, your dental professional may suggest ways to reduce stress so you can decrease the level of bruxism. You should consider avoiding foods such as chocolate and drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol. Avoid chewing forcefully and your dentist or oral maxillofacial surgeon may suggest conducting exercises to relax your jaw muscles during the day. If your bruxism is more severe, an occlusal splint may be recommended as well as medication prescribed to help relax you or make you sleep more soundly. Your dental professional will be able to work with you to find the cause and the solution to alleviate this problem.
Article Source: Colgate

If you live in or near the Rancho Mirage, CA area and are currently looking for a new dentist, then please contact Country Club Dentistry. We provide exquisite dental services in a caring environment.

Country Club Dentistry
72775 Frank Sinatra Drive
Suite B
Rancho Mirage, CA 92770
Tel: 760-341-2599