Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist Discusses Electronic Toothbrushes

When electronic toothbrushes first arrived in the dental healthcare market, there was only one brand offering automatic oral health care. These days, however, there are many different electronic toothbrushes available to consumers with different options -- like re-chargeable batteries, smaller designs, and superb cleaning options. Because of this, it can be daunting when trying to figure out which electronic toothbrush is right for you.

Fortunately, Dr. Szutz, a dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA wants to help guide you through the maze of modern electronic toothbrushes. First, let’s discuss the main difference between the two major electronic tooth brushes.

Electronic V. Sonic

Electronic toothbrushes are designed to mimic the motion of your hand when you brush your teeth with a regular toothbrush, except you get 3,000 to 7,500 rotations per minute. These toothbrushes do most of the work for you. Sonic toothbrushes dwarf regular electronic toothbrushes with 30,000 to 40,000 strokes per minute. The sonic toothbrushes rapid movements go a long way to remove plaque and ultimately, lead to an easy next check-up at Dr. Szutz’s Rancho Mirage office.

How You Reap The Benefits

Recent studies have shown that electronic and Sonic toothbrushes help alleviate plaque and gingivitis -- reducing your risk of future gum disease as a result of gingivitis and eventually, periodontitis. Additionally, if you have any dexterity issues, having a toothbrush do the work for you, while also getting better than average results is another bonus. It might even influence users to brush more often, since there is less manual labor involved.

The only drawback associated with power toothbrushes is that they may be too expensive for some -- ranging in price from $15 to $100. Some even break the $100 dollar price point.

What Dr. Szutz Recommends

Since buying a power toothbrush can be a commitment of $100, Dr. Szutz knows how important it is to get the best one. As such, he advises his patients to ask their dental hygienist for their opinion on which electronic toothbrush is right for them during their next visit to our Rancho Mirage, CA dental office.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dentistry Disney Style: CDA 2013 in Anaheim, CA

This past week, Dr. Szutz and staff visited the CDA's annual three day meeting at the Anaheim Convention Center. Attending CDA is always a great experience for the Country Club Dental staff, as we get to connect with other dental professionals and enjoy some of the sights in the area -- specifically, Disneyland! Have a look at some of our photos from CDA 2013. We look forward to attending next year's event!

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The Anaheim Convention Center

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Entrance to the Show

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Welcome to CDA 2013!

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It was a little gray, but still lovely!

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Some Informational Signage (we were in Orange County after all!)

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Don't forget the grapes!

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Bike sharing station!

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Welcome to Anaheim, CA!

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Same as Country Club Dentistry motto

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19th Century Dentistry

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This way to Disneyland!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist Discusses Tooth Wear

There are three major threats that lead to wearing down or injuring teeth: chewing, brushing, and grinding, along with accidental injuries. Today, Rancho Mirage dentist Dr. Randall Szutz, discusses how you can avoid the daily wear your teeth encounter. 

Accidental Injury

Biting down on a hard surface is how people normally imagine they'll chip a tooth, or think they'll chip a tooth. The reality is that chipping or breaking a tooth in this manner is actually quite uncommon. It is more likely that chipped teeth arise from those with root canals and fillings if you bite down on something hard. 

Additionally, it is more likely that a chipped and/or broken teeth are a result of playing sports. Studies have found that wrestling, boxing, basketball, and karate are the biggest culprits of tooth injuries. If you play sports, be sure to protect your teeth by utilizing a mouthguard. 

Unconscious Grinding: Bruxism

If you find yourself unconsciously grinding your teeth when you're not chewing food, then you might be suffering from bruxism, and endangering the surface of your teeth. Not only does teeth grinding wear down the pointed shape of molars, but also create micro cracks on the enamel surface, making you more susceptible to tooth decay. As any with bruxism knows, grinding your teeth also creates headaches, muscle pain, and jaw injury. 

Your Rancho Mirage Dentist, Dr. Randall Szutz, can usually spot the tell-tale signs of bruxism during an exam. You may not even know you suffer from teeth grinding until you go to your dental check-up. That's another reason why it is important to see your oral health professionals twice a year. 

Enamel Erosion and Acids

Teeth are built tough, but when the level of acid becomes imbalance in your mouth, the structural strength of teeth become compromised and susceptible to decay. Acidic foods and beverages and stomach acids (brought into the mouth by bulimia, morning sickness, or GERD) contribute to continued erosion of enamel.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Road Trip: Dr. Szutz and Staff Go To Vegas

When they're not providing the best general and cosmetic dental services in the Rancho Mirage, CA area, Dr. Szutz and the Country Club Dentistry staff are jet setting off to Las Vegas. Well, maybe not every single weekend, like some high rollers, but this past weekend the crew headed out to the desert in order to pay a visit to one of their friends: Legendary surf rock musician Dick Dale

The trip not only included a performance by the King of Surf Guitar, but a classic car show that channeled one of the best eras in American history: The 1950's. Have a look at some of Dr. Szutz's photos from the trip below:

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