Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bonding Could Be the Answer

Your Rancho Mirage Dentist has a wonderful alternative if you have been toying with the idea of veneers, but have been put off by the cost. Dental veneers do look natural, and if you are planning on cosmetically enhancing all of your teeth, Dental Veneers are probably the way to go, but according to Dr. Randall Szutz, bonding could be just the ticket if you only have a couple of teeth that require Cosmetic Dentistry in Rancho Mirage.

Bonding is a wonderful restorative treatment that is used to repair chips, cracks, discolorations, and misarranged teeth. Dental bonding is an alternative to Veneers, is much quicker, and can usually be completed in just one appointment with your Rancho Mirage Dentist.

When you schedule an appointment with your Dentist in Rancho Mirage, Dr. Szutz will examine your teeth for any decay or gum issues including gingivitis and periodontal disease. If you have been given the all clear, your Rancho Mirage Dentist will begin by etching the surface on the teeth that are to be bonded. Once etched your dentist will apply a bonding liquid. Once the liquid has set, the plastic resin will be applied and artistically sculpted by your Rancho Mirage Dentist who will then trim, smooth and polish your teeth giving your new smile a natural appearance.

Whether you are a candidate for dental bonding is really up to your dentist. The composite material used by Dr. Szutz is made up of quartz particle and resin and if you like to suck on hard candy or lemons, indulge in soda on a regular basis, or grind your teeth at night, dental bonding in Rancho Mirage may not be the best solution for your cosmetic dentistry issues.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Szutz and the team from Country Club Dentistry in Rancho Mirage today for Cosmetic Dentistry, which could include bonding or veneers. After all, isn’t it time that you started smiling again? 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Talk To Your Rancho Mirage Dentist about Silver Amalgam Fillings

If you have been thinking about replacing those old silver amalgam fillings, contact your Rancho Mirage Dentist, Dr. Randall Scutz, who can take out your old fillings and replace them with porcelain inlays or tooth colored restorations.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of disadvantages when it comes to silver amalgam fillings. Silver fillings can wear down and even break. Over the years, your dentist will tell you that those silver fillings can actually weaken the structure of your tooth.

Silver fillings can also be dangerous as they contain 50 percent mercury. According to Dr. Oz, your silver fillings could actually be making you sick. Over 100 million Americans have had their teeth filled with silver amalgams. These fillings are made of other metals, and of course silver, but it is the mercury content that actually binds the materials together. Dentists have been using fillings containing mercury for almost 150 years.

It was over thirty years ago that the media brought attention to silver amalgam fillings containing mercury. Some of the health issues that are causing concern are memory loss and mood swings, anxiety, and in some cases, autoimmune disorder. The American Dental Association stands by silver amalgam fillings, but the latest evidence claims that mercury is released when you drink, eat, and even when you brush your teeth.

According to recent surveys, over 50 percent of dentists no longer use silver amalgam fillings, but, how much amalgam is too much? Because there are not enough studies, nobody really knows the answer, but any amount of mercury can be causing you health issues.

Back in the 80’s the ADA claimed that the mercury in your silver amalgam fillings is locked into place, but since that time, your Dentist in Rancho Mirage knows better. Mercury is one of the most damaging substances and can cause nerve damage. Mercury can also suppress your immune system. Patients from Country Club Dentistry have seen a significant improvement in their health after they have had their silver amalgam fillings removed and replaced with tooth colored restorations. Patients who have had their fillings removed and replaced have had their migraines disappear, report more energy, and have better coordination.

Look in your mouth, and if you see silver, gray, or even black colored fillings, you have silver amalgam fillings. Schedule an appointment with your Rancho Mirage Dentist who can safely remove your silver amalgam fillings and replace them with porcelain inlays or tooth colored restorations.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

When it comes to Your Teeth Watch What You Eat

Everyone knows that a bad diet can wreck havoc with your body, but according to the Huffington Post Canada, there are certain foods that you should steer clear of if you do not want to visit your Rancho Mirage Dentist every four weeks.

Dried Fruit
This one will shock most people, but dried fruits are very high in sugar and sticky, which is not a good combination for your teeth, as the sugar will be stuck in between your teeth and stay for hours. The sticky and sugary substance will actually feed the bacteria in your mouth causing dental erosion.

Another surprise is the humble pickle, which may be good for your waistline, but not so good for your teeth. Dr. Randall Scutz from Country Club Dentistry explains that vinegar, which is used for pickling, is very acidic and could wear away the enamel on your teeth.

Not so surprising, sugar creates a very acidic environment and will eventually wear away the enamel on your teeth. If you must eat something sweet, dentists recommend that you rinse your mouth out with water as soon as possible.

Both red and white wine contain erosive acids. These acids can soften the enamel on your teeth after just five minutes. Everyone loves a good drop of red, but the tannins that are found in red wine can dry out your mouth and stain your teeth.  

Fizzy drinks are loaded with sugar and drinking soda can lead to tooth decay, but it can also cause your teeth to erode. Even diet soda, which contains phosphoric and citric acid could damage the enamel on your teeth.

Hard Candy
Because it takes a while for a piece of hard candy to dissolve the sugar tends to stick to your teeth and could cause serious damage to the enamel on your teeth because the candy stays in your mouth allowing bacteria more time to produce.

Chewy Candy
Bacteria loves chewy candy as it sticks to your teeth. The bacteria from sticky and chewy candy will begin to form acid when it is exposed to sugar attacking the enamel.

Citrus Fruits
Of course, citrus fruits are essential for a balanced diet, but that does not mean sucking on a lemon or lime all day. Over time, the acid in citrus fruits like lemons, grapefruits, and limes will wear away the enamel on your teeth, which could lead to cavities.

Fruit Juices
Cranberry, lime, and orange juice can be just as acidic to your teeth as the acid in vinegar. As mentioned previously in this article, acidic foods will wear away the enamel on your teeth.

Tea and Coffee
Because black teas have high levels of tannin like red wine, they will cause staining. It is a known fact that the darker the beverage, the darker the stains will be on your teeth.

Carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates, come in many forms. Crackers, potato chips, pretzels, and even pasta can affect your teeth. People who consume refined carbs are at a higher risk when it comes to chronic diseases such as gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

You Can Prevent Tooth Decay

Fighting tooth decay can be a never-ending battle, but not if you talk to your dentist about sealants. According to Colgate, dental sealants can help protect the chewing areas of your teeth against tooth decay in both children and adults.

Your molars and your kids premolar teeth have fissures or grooves that make them susceptible to tooth decay. Because the grooves are quite deep, they can be very difficult to keep clean. Some are narrower than one bristle on your toothbrush. Once plaque begins to accumulate, bacteria will start to attack the enamel on your teeth eventually causing cavities.

Country Club Dentistry and your Rancho Mirage Dentist can apply sealants that will give your teeth and your kids teeth the extra protection needed to prevent cavities. These sealants will give teeth a smooth surface covering the pitted areas preventing tooth decay.

Dental sealants have been used since the 1970s and can last for years. Your dentist can provide you and your children with tooth sealants that can help prevent tooth decay.

After Dr. Randall W. Szutz cleans the surface of your teeth he will make sure that the area is washed and dried. After an acidic solution is placed on the chewing surface, it is rinsed off. This acidic solution causes the surface of the tooth to become rough enabling your Dentist in Rancho Mirage to attach the dental sealant to each tooth. Country Club Dentistry will then dry the sealant until it becomes a hardened plastic like coating.

Your Rancho Mirage Dentist can provide you and your family with dental sealants that are proven effective in the fight against tooth decay. Each sealant application only takes a few minutes and can hold up to normal chewing.

If you would like more information about dental sealants, schedule an appointment with your Rancho Mirage Dentist. Fighting tooth decay has never been easier thanks to Dr.Randal W. Szutz and the professional team from Country Club Dentistry. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Call Your Rancho Mirage Dentist If You Have Sensitive Teeth

If you have been having sensitivity issues when it comes to hot or cold beverages, it could be time to make an appointment with your dentist. Country Club Dentistry has the tools you need to get rid of those sharp pains allowing you to enjoy that hot cup of coffee before you head off to work. Best of all, instead of saying no to that bowl of ice cream you used to look forward to, you can savor it with all of the gusto that you remember.

Your Rancho Mirage Dentist will tell you that you are not alone if you have sensitive teeth. According to Sensodyne, the condition is common in more than 45 million adults in the United States. Although sensitive teeth can be annoying the condition is treatable. 

Dr. Szutz will tell you that sensitive tooth issues arise when the enamel begins to wear down on your teeth or your gums start to recede. Those sharp pains occur when the nerves are exposed to cold or hot temperatures and sometimes even by the air that you breathe.

Other causes of sensitive teeth include cracks in the surface of your tooth enamel. When temperatures begin to change your teeth will contract and expand.

Before you make an appointment with your dentist try changing your toothpaste. Some brands could be causing your sensitivity. Whitening formulas contain sodium pyrophosphate, which could heighten your sensitivity to hot, and cold.

Try avoiding acidic foods as they can aggravate your teeth. Lemons, tomatoes and sodas could be causing sharp pains when you least expect it.

Buy a soft bristled toothbrush as the hard-bristle variety could wear down the surface of your teeth exposing them to sensitive spots. If you already use a soft bristled brush, look at your brush, as it could be time for a new one, especially if your bristles are flattened or pointing in all sorts of directions.

Call your Rancho Mirage Dentist if your teeth are sensitive for more than three days. If you have strong reactions to cold and hot temperatures, it would be a good idea to get an opinion from your Rancho Mirage Dentist. If you have a cavity or abscess, it is best to find out before the problem gets worse.

If you do have sensitive tooth issues, and it is not an abscess or cavity, your dentist can prescribe various treatment options including in-office treatments and take-home dental products.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Turn Your Frown Upside Down

A picture really does paint a thousand words, but so does your smile. According to an article in Shape Magazine, 96 percent of those who responded believe that a toothy grin is the most important part of a person’s appearance, and that is where Dr. Randall W. Szutz and Country Club Dentistry in Rancho Mirage come in.

Unfortunately, most people tend to take their smile for granted, but unless you whiten your teeth on a regular basis, your pearly whites could eventually turn your frown upside down.

As you age, your teeth can lose luster and begin to yellow. Common drinks, food and yes, even mouthwash, can wreck havoc on your teeth. Of course, you can avoid your favorite foods all together, but why should you have to give up your favorite glass of red wine with your evening meal?
There are home remedies that you can experiment with, or you can try one of the tooth-whitening products that are available at your local pharmacy. Some manufacturers even sell toothpaste that can help get rid of surface stains, but if you have tried every product on the market and nothing has lightened your teeth, it is time to make an appointment with Country Club Dentistry in Rancho Mirage.

Dr. Szutz and his team of professionals from Country Club Dentistry have helped people just like you brighten their smile with a simple whitening technique that is more affordable than you think.

Country Club Dentistry in Rancho Mirage can help you get rid of yellow, brown, or mottled stains, and best of all, dental whitening from Country Club Dentistry is a safe and effective method that works on people of all ages.

Unlike over the counter tooth polishes and whiteners, which can actually harm your teeth and gums, Country Club Dentistry’s whitening technique can significantly alter the color of your teeth in one or two weeks turning your once yellow smile into a Movie Star grin fit for the red carpet.

The best thing about the whitening technique from Country Club Dentistry is that it is permanent, you may need an occasional touch up, but you will never have to reach for those whitening strips again.

Dr. Szutz will be able to determine if your stained teeth can be brought back to life, or if you require veneers or crowns to take care of your severely stained teeth. Make an appointment today and find out if the Country Club Dentistry whitening technique is for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, including your smile. Schedule your consultation for the best dentist in Rancho Mirage today.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist Dr. Szutz On Proper Care of Dentures

Are you a new denture wearer?  Rancho Mirage Dentist Dr. Szutz of County Club Dentistry wants you to know about the importance of proper denture care. 

Dentures, sometimes called false teeth, replace teeth you have lost, or teeth that have been extracted.   Here are some tips to help keep your dentures in top condition.

Handle With Care

Dentures are quite delicate and can break if squeezed too hard or dropped even a few inches.  A great way to reduce risk of breakage is to always handle and clean them over a full basin of water, or a folded towel to cushion them should they fall.


Dentures must be brushed daily for proper oral hygiene and care and to prevent staining.  Brushing dentures requires soft bristle toothbrush that's specifically designed for cleaning dentures, along with a denture cleaner.

Avoid using bleach or toothpaste to clean dentures, as these are too harsh and can damage dentures.  It's especially important to stay away from whitening toothpastes, which are extremely abrasive, so you don't wear out the denture.

Always use a light touch, as aggressive scrubbing can bend or damage parts of your denture.


To keep dentures free of debris, make a habit of removing dentures and rinsing them off after eating.  Also rinse before inserting dentures if they were just soaking in a chemical solution.

Overnight Storing

Dentures can warp if they dry out, so when you're not wearing your dentures, they should be placed in warm water, never hot.  Dentures will loose their shape in hot water.  You can also soak dentures in a mild denture solution overnight as well.  You'll want to store dentures in a container with a fitted container that is the appropriate size for your denture, making sure your denture is completely submersed in the solution or water.

Alternatives to dentures include dental implants.

Remember, regular dentist examinations are still important for the denture wearer who no longer has natural teeth.  Consult the Country Club Dentistry office should you experience any oral discomfort when using your dentures, or if you have a problem with the fit of your denture. You can always talk to our friendly staff about your dental concerns at (760) 341-2599.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist Dr. Szutz On Tooth Decay

Rancho Mirage Dentist Dr. Szutz stresses that although tooth decay is extremely common in both children and adults, it is largely preventable. 
What is tooth decay?
Tooth decay, also known as cavities or caries, is the destruction of the tooth material.
When food particles are left on the surface of the tooth, they leave behind bacteria.  This bacteria feeds on sugars in the food and produce acids, which combine with the sugars to form plaque.  The acid inside the plaque can dissolve the minerals in the outer surface of your teeth (enamel) and cause tiny holes to appear.  With time, these holes become bigger and form one large hole, or cavity.
If a cavity is left untreated, it can get larger and affect deeper layers of the tooth like the dentin.  Ultimately, this can lead to toothaches, infection and even tooth loss.
For teeth with a small amount of decay, you may consider a composite filling, or an inlay.  If the decay is considerable, it can be repaired by your dentist with an onlay or crown.
Fortunately, there are ways to prevent tooth decay. 
Preventing Tooth Decay
Brushing your teeth regularly is an essential part of your oral health care routine.  It's recommended that you brush at least twice a day, and it's especially important to brush after each meal, as well as before bedtime. 
Flossing is also an essential part of preventing tooth decay.  For optimal health, and to help remove plaque in between teeth, The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once a day.
It's also recommended to avoid sipping sugary drinks, as well as frequent snacking of foods like candy, pretzels and chips, which can remain on the surface of your teeth.
For children and teenagers between 6 and 16 years old who are susceptible to cavities, Dr. Szutz may recommend a sealant - a thin, plastic coating applied to the deep grooves of the molars and premolars.  This is also a wonderful option for an adult who has deep depressions or grooves on tooth surfaces.
Of course, visiting your dentist regularly to removing plaque will go a long way to prevent tooth decay. Contact the Country Club Dentistry Office in Rancho Mirage for your next appointment to help prevent tooth decay by calling (760) 836-0808.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist Dr. Szutz Discusses Porcelain Veneers

If you are looking to improve your smile, Cosmetic and Restorative Dentist Dr. Szutz of Country Club Dentistry can correct a range of dental problems with porcelain veneers.  Porcelain dental veneers can be an excellent way of addressing common dental conditions such as gaps between teeth, and teeth that are worn down, discolored, crooked or misshaped.

What exactly are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells of ceramic that bond directly to the front and top surfaces of the teeth to change the shape, size or general appearance of teeth.  

Veneers are becoming increasingly popular due to their simplicity and versatility. Dr. Szutz  individually crafts veneers for each patient using a unique combination of science and artistry and advanced technology.  The result is so natural looking, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between a veneer and a natural tooth. 

Unlike natural teeth, custom-made veneers are highly resistant to stains from coffee and tea, and even cigarette smoke.  Veneers are quite durable as well. Generally, veneers last between 5 to 10 years.  With proper care and maintenance, veneers can have you smiling an improved smile for well over a decade.

The procedure of getting veneers at Country Club Dentistry in Rancho Mirage, CA can be done quickly over a period of three appointments:

Diagnosis and treatment planning

At this stage, Dr. Szutz will conduct a personal consultation with you at his office on Frank Sinatra Drive in Rancho Mirage, CA to discuss your dental concerns and help you design your new smile.  Dr. Szutz values and encourages doctor-patient communication.  In his opinion, an informed and involved patient is most likely to achieve the highest level of healthcare.


To prepare teeth for the veneer, Dr. Szutz will remove approximately 1/2 millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface with buffing.  This is essential to allow for the added thickness of the veneer, and can be done with a local anesthetic.  Next, a dental impression is made and sent to a laboratory to make the veneers. The custom veneers should be ready in approximately three weeks.


In this visit (generally lasting between one to two hours) Dr. Szutz will temporarily place the veneer on your teeth to check their fit and color. The exact color shade can be adjusted for the best match to your natural teeth.  Next, the tooth is cleansed with specific chemicals to achieve a bond. A special cement is placed between the teeth and the veneer and a light is used to harden the cement, in order for it to bond.

Veneers can be a great solution for gaps, stains, crooked teeth or fractured teeth.  However, it is important to be informed of the disadvantages of veneers.

Getting veneers is an irreversible process.  After 5-10 years, the veneers will need to be replaced.  Also, since some enamel is removed in order to bond the veneers, some patients may experience more sensitive teeth.  Dr. Szutz is available to further discuss the pro's and con's of porcelain veneers and help you decide if veneers are the best option for you and your smile. 

Country Club Dentistry is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.  

Randall W. Szutz, DDS specializes in Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry and offers a variety of different services to enhance your smile such as bonding, bridges, crowns and more. For a complimentary consultation, call 760-341-2599 or send Dr. Szutz an email.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Ultimate Roadtrip: Dr. Szutz and Son at The Indy 500

Brad, Dr. Szutz's son, treated his Dad to his first ever Indy 500 Race. This was the first time Brad and his dad, Dr. Randall Szutz of Rancho Mirage, got to go to the Brick Yard together. The pair left Ohio at 3:00 AM and drove to the Indy grounds. 

In addition to partaking in the ultimate father-son roadtrip, they also got to walk around  and enjoy the sights and sounds of America's favorite and most storied race. Once seated inside, it is reported that Brad and Dr. Szutz didn't move the entire race. Needless to say, they both enjoyed it immensely! And, with any major sporting event, they got stuck in the parking lot for an hour due to traffic. Once out and still reeling from a day fast cars, Brad and Dr. Szutz drove back to Brad's house in Ohio and slept for a much need eleven hours. 

It was a fantastic day for both of them. Here's a photo of the two and even a video:

Rancho Mirage dentist
Dad and Son


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Anne of Country Club Dentistry Visits A Book Convention

Anne, one of Country Club Dentistry's staff, visited a book-lovers convention in Kansas City, MO this spring. Anne is an avid book reader and was ecstatic to meet some of her favorite authors. Additionally, Anne had the opportunity to hang out with other likeminded book lovers from all over the world and a few of the cover models too! Reading is more than a hobby for Anne it is a passion. Dr. Szutz, a Rancho Mirage dentist, is lucky to have such a bookworm in his office. Here are her personal photos from the event:

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist Discusses: When Hot and Cold Temperatures Really Hurt

Have you ever taken a sip of a cold beverage, expecting refreshment, only to wince in sharp pain? Has a warm cup of tea been the source of unrelenting toothache? If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms when dealing with temperature, it is likely that you suffer from sensitive teeth. Dr. Szutz, a Rancho Mirage dentist, wants to help you understand why your mouth is reacting to environmental temperature shifts.

There are numerous reasons why people experience sensitivity in this way. More specifically, and usually the most likely culprit, is that the root is exposed at the base of the tooth. It is there that millions of tiny tubes (called dentin), which are connected to nerve endings, are exposed to the elements. Gum recession, teeth grinding, aggressive brushing techniques, and acidic drinks all contribute to exposed gums and ultimately sensitive teeth.

Dr. Szutz say thats some people don’t realize they’re brushing too hard, thus affecting tooth sensitivity through enamel erosion and gum wear. Your most loved beverage -- coffee, tea, juice, wine, and popular energy drinks -- are also putting the condition of the tooth’s enamel and the dentin in a vulnerable position.

If you’re experiencing severe sensitivity, talk to Rancho Mirage dentist, Dr. Szutz about bonding the problematic areas. This is essentially a very fine varnish your dentist applies to the tooth. It's not a permanent fix, though. In the meantime, consider brushing gently, reduce your acidic beverage intake, and be aware of any tooth grinding you may be experiencing.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist: Energy Drinks Are Bad For Teeth

Many people believe energy drinks are useful consumable items that get them through the day. However, studies are suggesting that although energy drinks give people a short burst of productivity, they actually contribute to declining oral health.  Many people believe that an energy drink is a healthier alternative to soda and other sugary drinks. Specifically, the study shows that ingredients contained in sports drinks can damage tooth enamel which leads to increased risk of developing cavities.

The ABA led the research team, where 13 “sports” drinks (like gatorade) and 9 “energy” drinks (like Red Bull) were tested for their acidity. They tested six drinks for their effects on tooth enamel and found both types caused damage. Energy drinks, however, were twice as bad. Damaged tooth enamel cannot be fixed.  This study was published in the journal, General Dentistry.

The samples of enamel were immersed in the  test drinks for 15 minutes. The samples were then  to artificial saliva for two hours. This process was repeated four times a day for five days. The beverages were replaced with fresh ones every day. This process was developed in order to simulate real life, since people tend to consume these drinks throughout the day. The research shows that enamel loss was evident after five days of exposure!
If you’re an avid energy drink/sports drink user, then it would be wise to dilute the liquid with water in order to minimize the harmful effects to your teeth. Dr. Szutz, a Rancho Mirage dentist, suggests discontinuing use of  these beverages as a source of energy and instead, make healthy changes to your sleeping and dietary habits. You’d be surprised to find out that little steps will make you feel healthier, refreshed, and less dependent on stimulants.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Some Of Our Favorite Nature Photos

The Country Club Dentistry office in Rancho Mirage, CA knows how to have a good time in Las Vegas, but this office also appreciates the offerings of nature as well. As such, we've collected a few photos that best represent some of the nature-scapes (and not-so-natural) we've seen in the past.

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A Pebble Strewn Beach of California

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Reflections in the water

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A Curious California Sea Otter

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More reflections, this time of harbor buildings

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Don't fall in!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist Discusses Electronic Toothbrushes

When electronic toothbrushes first arrived in the dental healthcare market, there was only one brand offering automatic oral health care. These days, however, there are many different electronic toothbrushes available to consumers with different options -- like re-chargeable batteries, smaller designs, and superb cleaning options. Because of this, it can be daunting when trying to figure out which electronic toothbrush is right for you.

Fortunately, Dr. Szutz, a dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA wants to help guide you through the maze of modern electronic toothbrushes. First, let’s discuss the main difference between the two major electronic tooth brushes.

Electronic V. Sonic

Electronic toothbrushes are designed to mimic the motion of your hand when you brush your teeth with a regular toothbrush, except you get 3,000 to 7,500 rotations per minute. These toothbrushes do most of the work for you. Sonic toothbrushes dwarf regular electronic toothbrushes with 30,000 to 40,000 strokes per minute. The sonic toothbrushes rapid movements go a long way to remove plaque and ultimately, lead to an easy next check-up at Dr. Szutz’s Rancho Mirage office.

How You Reap The Benefits

Recent studies have shown that electronic and Sonic toothbrushes help alleviate plaque and gingivitis -- reducing your risk of future gum disease as a result of gingivitis and eventually, periodontitis. Additionally, if you have any dexterity issues, having a toothbrush do the work for you, while also getting better than average results is another bonus. It might even influence users to brush more often, since there is less manual labor involved.

The only drawback associated with power toothbrushes is that they may be too expensive for some -- ranging in price from $15 to $100. Some even break the $100 dollar price point.

What Dr. Szutz Recommends

Since buying a power toothbrush can be a commitment of $100, Dr. Szutz knows how important it is to get the best one. As such, he advises his patients to ask their dental hygienist for their opinion on which electronic toothbrush is right for them during their next visit to our Rancho Mirage, CA dental office.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dentistry Disney Style: CDA 2013 in Anaheim, CA

This past week, Dr. Szutz and staff visited the CDA's annual three day meeting at the Anaheim Convention Center. Attending CDA is always a great experience for the Country Club Dental staff, as we get to connect with other dental professionals and enjoy some of the sights in the area -- specifically, Disneyland! Have a look at some of our photos from CDA 2013. We look forward to attending next year's event!

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The Anaheim Convention Center

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Entrance to the Show

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Welcome to CDA 2013!

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It was a little gray, but still lovely!

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Some Informational Signage (we were in Orange County after all!)

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Don't forget the grapes!

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Bike sharing station!

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Welcome to Anaheim, CA!

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Same as Country Club Dentistry motto

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19th Century Dentistry

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This way to Disneyland!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Rancho Mirage Dentist Discusses Tooth Wear

There are three major threats that lead to wearing down or injuring teeth: chewing, brushing, and grinding, along with accidental injuries. Today, Rancho Mirage dentist Dr. Randall Szutz, discusses how you can avoid the daily wear your teeth encounter. 

Accidental Injury

Biting down on a hard surface is how people normally imagine they'll chip a tooth, or think they'll chip a tooth. The reality is that chipping or breaking a tooth in this manner is actually quite uncommon. It is more likely that chipped teeth arise from those with root canals and fillings if you bite down on something hard. 

Additionally, it is more likely that a chipped and/or broken teeth are a result of playing sports. Studies have found that wrestling, boxing, basketball, and karate are the biggest culprits of tooth injuries. If you play sports, be sure to protect your teeth by utilizing a mouthguard. 

Unconscious Grinding: Bruxism

If you find yourself unconsciously grinding your teeth when you're not chewing food, then you might be suffering from bruxism, and endangering the surface of your teeth. Not only does teeth grinding wear down the pointed shape of molars, but also create micro cracks on the enamel surface, making you more susceptible to tooth decay. As any with bruxism knows, grinding your teeth also creates headaches, muscle pain, and jaw injury. 

Your Rancho Mirage Dentist, Dr. Randall Szutz, can usually spot the tell-tale signs of bruxism during an exam. You may not even know you suffer from teeth grinding until you go to your dental check-up. That's another reason why it is important to see your oral health professionals twice a year. 

Enamel Erosion and Acids

Teeth are built tough, but when the level of acid becomes imbalance in your mouth, the structural strength of teeth become compromised and susceptible to decay. Acidic foods and beverages and stomach acids (brought into the mouth by bulimia, morning sickness, or GERD) contribute to continued erosion of enamel.